Customer feedback
Get a step closer to your dream job of driving a snow groomer – now a reality with the new online training from PRO ACADEMY. The short courses fit easily into your day, offering the perfect entry to the world of snow grooming. Neil Robertson, a passionate driver from Iceland has completed the online course and is impressed:
“I have several years working as an operator and still learn each night of the season. I have had the fortune of being shown the ‘right way’ over the years by many very experienced Operators from different countries so I consider myself fortunate. Latterly I have had to continue my improvement by self teaching and experiment. ProAcademy online training offered me assurance that I had banked the basics, yet it ventured into learnings around turning, blade work and tilling errors which had never came out in my previous instruction.
ProAcademy online training would be an essential starter for anybody new to being an operator, or for a Ski area to offer its new drivers, yet for those in middle ground and those who have self taught, it may be worth you giving it a go and see if there is something you have yet to learn or understand so you can step closer to leaving that perfect finish wherever you go.”