BIG AIR Events

First Milan, then Mönchengladbach - the elite of the snowboard and freestyle ski world will soon be impressing fans of this very special winter sports spectacular once again with incredible acrobatic performances. Powerful support provided by PistenBully. 1,000 cubic metres of snow with a weight of over 400 tonnes on a ramp almost 50 metres high and 120 metres long. Those are top values for top athletes. And that is precisely who will soon be coming to Mönchengladbach for this top event. The reason being that they can get their ticket for Pyeongchang right there in the centre of western Germany. August Pollen from event organiser allrounder is sure that "we will get to see the next Olympic champions at the start of December in Mönchengladbach". Highly professional work with an extraordinary level of commitment will be in evidence at this very special sporting event. PistenBully and Schneestern are also playing a crucial role in its success this year with their "snow-how". The enormous ramp - itself a unique feature - is being built and snow groomed in just under four weeks. Everything has to work smoothly to ensure over 120 freestylers can compete in optimum conditions. Lisa Zimmermann, one of the best women in the world at the Big Air, is fully motivated for this event: "For me the Big Air is not just a simple world cup, but is an event that I'm already really looking forward to. The concept behind it of combining sport and music is simply just cool." Public interest in the event is as big as the ramp. 20,000 enthusiastic freestyle fans and well over 100 media representatives from all over the world came to the premiere last year. Well over 200 million people watched this unique sporting event - almost Olympic in itself.
Click if you'd like to see how a ramp like this is built (german text).
10th - 19th November 2017: BigAir Milano
1st - 2nd December 2017: BigAir Mönchengladbach
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