Accessible PistenBully
It's a major challenge for ski resorts to make their tourism products accessible to people with a disability. Kässbohrer Geländefahrzeug AG has mastered this challenge in partnership with Kaunertaler Gletscherbahnen - with the first wheel chair accessible PistenBully.
People with a disability will be able to sit in a PistenBully at the Kaunertaler Glacier resort. The firm has worked with Kässbohrer on a custom-made PistenBully with a double cab. Amongst other things, this means that wheelchair users will be able to sit behind the Gletscherbahnen employees as they groom the slopes, enjoying a drive in the PistenBully in the process. Visitors will be treated to breathtaking views from the PistenBully, especially at night.
The PistenBully is not just suitable as an experience shuttle, but can also be used for special rescue and transport work. The large special cab even has room for a rescue sled and several personnel.
The highly accessible Kaunertaler Glacier has long been a popular resort among people with a disability, even winning the European Union's EDEN Award for its 2013 accessible tourism project. "Accessibility has been a major focus of ours for many years. Because of this, it was clear to us that we had to find a way to make this special experience accessible to people with a disability", explains Eugen Larcher, Managing Director of Kaunertaler Gletscherbahnen. "I'm happy that we've succeeded now."
Peter Soukal, Managing Director of Kässbohrer Austria, says: "This PistenBully is a special design that we've developed in intensive collaboration with the Kaunertaler Glacier resort. The underlying idea is groundbreaking".