We are here for our customers!
Sales and customer service under new management

Ideally prepared for the exciting tasks: Alexander Dehm, Julian Reichle, Claudius Henger (from left to right)
The requirements that Kässbohrer places on its Service department have always been stringent – even in the midst of ever increasing digitalization. To ensure that we are professionally positioned for the future, Claudius Henger and Julian Reichle are two real experts who are forming a new dual leadership. This restructuring was natural after Alexander Dehm, who has been the head of Technical Services since 2014, was called to be the successor of Werner Seethaler as the Head of Sales.
Focus on the customer
Everyone agrees: "We want to be close to the customer – because it is only by listening and having close communication as partners that we can all progress together!" And this is also what everyone enjoys about their job: interacting with people from all over the world. Another thing that unites them: detailed knowledge of our products and their extraordinary dedication to their customers.
Experts in working with man and machine
Alexander Dehm has been living this for many years. He has a direct manner and is known worldwide – as well as among his colleagues – as an expert who listens and provides pragmatic solutions. Now he is enriching Sales with this experience. Two topics are particularly important to him here: "We want to optimize our product portfolio even more in the direction of sustainability and resource conservation – because that is what counts." SNOWsat plays a large role in this: "In conjunction with PistenBully, there is still quite a lot of potential here for our customers."
Curiosity about how things come to be
Julian Reichle, head of the newly formed Customer Service Digital Solutions, fully agrees with this: "Our customers use our digital solutions to optimize their corporate processes, too, because SNOWsat is now considerably more than just snow depth measurement. We bring everything together – solutions for customers as well as applications and tools that we use internally, for example, in Technical Services." He has helped get this off the ground before as a digitalization expert and product manager for SNOWsat. To really tap the full potential here, it is necessary for both us and the customer to have more in-depth know-how. "To ensure top service, we invest in professional development, information management and efficient tools. In close collaboration with Technical Services, we want to use new technologies, but also be close to the customer and maintain a good relationship."
Primary goal: top service
"A core task in our job is to help the customer. Whether in snow, in sand or on terrain – the vehicle must be running again in time for its next scheduled use." That is what Claudius Henger, the new Head of Technical Services, thinks. A dream came true for him in 2016 when he joined Kässbohrer. "In Technical Services, no two days are alike." Now he is taking over management of this department. "Thinking innovatively, acting pragmatically and seeing these difficult economic times as an opportunity for improvement!" His goals: "Further shorten the times for processing complaints of our customers, advance digitalization in a customer-oriented manner and prepare us for sustainable technologies such as fully electric drives and alternative fuels."

They are preparing the new leadership together: Werner Seethaler (left) is supporting his successor, Alexander Dehm, until the coming summer with help and advice and his great experience in Sales.