Renowned in the entire World Cup scene
Peter Hörl of the Hinterreit ski resort has been building legendary training racing slopes for 50 years

A genuine dream team: Peter Hörl is very proud of his PistenBully 300 Polar W.
When people are in charge of a big ski race, they flock to Peter Hörl. Hörl's experience in professional construction of pro slopes is unmatched. Even large ski resorts value his advice highly, as do world-class athletes from around the world.
Small but mighty!
Hörl was one of the first to purchase a PistenBully 300 Polar W. That was back in 2002. The vehicle has now logged about 14,000 hours and runs just as well as on day one. Since then, Peter has used his Bully to build one-of-a-kind slopes which national teams from all around the globe use for training.
Growing up with the PistenBully
At just 12 years old, he groomed the slopes around his father's ski lift after school. He experienced the entire evolution of the vehicles. The first PistenBully was purchased in 1972 – a PistenBully 120D. The lift's fleet has been red ever since. As early as 1975, he built his own front blade – and still recalls the first PistenBully tiller distinctly. "It really was a milestone!"
The mother of all PistenBully machines
To ensure the correct hold, he produces some machine-made snow, treats it with water, and moves the masses to the right spot. Until 2002, he did this without a winch, even on the steepest slope. This is why he was so enthusiastic when he first saw the PistenBully 300 Polar W. "The Polar machine is the mother of all PistenBullys. It performs outstandingly well and does everything I want – and has a winch, too!"
The snow whisperer
Since becoming a snow groomer, he has studied snow conditions and learned early on "that there are as many types of snow as there are days in winter." He has learned to work with this and "communicates" with the snow – and the two obviously get along just fine. His slopes are legendary among pro skiers. Those responsible for other ski resorts are eager to copy a trick or two. Hinterreit offers conditions that are simply ideal – a course that offers everything there is to train for. On a slope with quality that the racing world can depend on. This reason – along with the seclusion Hinterreit offers – brings premiere athletes from around the world to his door. Their opinion is virtually unanimous: "In racing slope grooming, Peter is simply the best." And he's been doing it for 50 years now.
We extend our congratulations!
Photo / portrait of Peter Hörl:
His recipe for the perfect slope includes quiet ("I have to hear the noises the snow makes in order to understand it"), technical expertise and, most importantly, his good rapport with snow. "Depending on the noises the snow makes, I know how I've got to adjust and groom everything."